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Jun 27

Is This The Calm Before the Storm ?

Today's Currency Market Focus

GBP: Short-lived rally

EUR: Treading water 

USD: Hog on hog

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GBP: Short-lived rally

The Pound fell yesterday after the incoming member of the Bank of England’s rate setting committee cast doubts over whether a UK rate rise is needed. 

Economics professor, John Haskel, shared his views with parliament’s Treasury Select Committee. He thinks the uncertainty over Brexit warrants a cautious approach. 

At last week’s meeting the committee voted 6-3 to keep rates on hold. It looks like the professor will be playing it safe. 

Time is running out for Theresa May to make progress on Brexit ahead of the EU Summit which begins tomorrow. 

EUR: Treading water

A quiet start to the week for the Euro with no real significant data to digest. 

Simmering in the background is the escalating global trade war. President Trump has hinted that Europe could be dragged into the scrap next. 

The Euro could be more lively in the coming days as we have German Consumer Confidence, CPI (inflation) and Unemployment. The trend of late has been negative, so investors will be hoping for an improvement. 

USD: Hog on hog

The Dollar held steady yesterday as President Trump turned his fire and fury on an American rather than foreign target. He’s not happy with Harley Davidson, which is moving a lot of their production from the US to Thailand. 

While this took some heat off China (and Europe), it still is part of the same problem. And that’s a problem that’s not going away. President Trump is prepared to play the long game and ride out a battle of retaliatory trade tariffs. 

In the mean time, USD investors have a fair bit coming up with Durable Goods today and GDP tomorrow? 

Key Currency

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Current rates: 

Wednesday 27th June 2018 at 11:00

£1.00 GBP = 1.1351 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.3211 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7898 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 1.9362 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7589 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 18.0341 ZAR

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Jun 15

Sterling on the Rises from the Shadows

Today's Currency Market Focus

GBP: Sterling rises from the shadows

EUR: Euro gets slammed (on purpose)  

USD: Top Dollar

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GBP: Sterling rises from the shadows

The Pound has had some sharp swings this week even though most of the attention has been on the Euro and Dollar. 

In the UK, inflation may have disappointed but bumper growth in retail sales indicates the economy may be coming out of its mini-slump. 

With the Fed and ECB tightening policy, we feel the Bank of England will be more inclined to follow suit – which would be positive for the Pound. 

EUR: Euro gets slammed (on purpose)

The ECB managed to catch investors by surprise yesterday, triggering steep falls in the Euro. 

In the lead up to this month’s meeting the ECB had given markets the heads up they would announce the phasing out of monetary stimulus (bond purchases). But the ECB are a crafty bunch and didn’t want this news to propel the Euro any higher as it would hurt EU (ie German) exports. 

So they kept a little bit of bad news back for the big occasion – that interest rates would be on hold through to at least mid-2019. It was enough to spoil the party with the Euro leading the way down on the day. 

USD: Top Dollar

There’s no stopping the rampant Dollar at the moment. With the Euro deliberately dented by the European Central Bank and Sterling hindered by Brexit, the Dollar continues to shine. 

How quickly we forget that towards the end of last year and early this year, the opposite was true. Good or bad new seem to take the Dollar down. 

There is good reason for the Dollar rally. The US economy is in good shape and the Fed is raising rates - another two hikes are expected this year. 

But there’s no “sure things” in finance and this weekend is expected to bring more trade tariffs against China. Will the Chinese bite back? 

Key Currency

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Geoff Lambourne - Direct Dial me on 0044 (0)1872 487 470.

Current rates: 

Friday 15th June 2018 at 12:45

£1.00 GBP = 1.1451 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.3280 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7770 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 1.9093 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7432 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 17.8025 ZAR

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Jun 8

The Irish Question Haunts Sterling

Today's Currency Market Focus

- GBP: The Irish question haunts Sterling

- EUR: Back to flavour of the month 

- USD: G7 Summit weighs on the Dollars

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GBP: The Irish question haunts Sterling

Sterling touched 1-months lows against the Euro yesterday on Brexit concerns. 

One major issue remains unresolved – the Irish border. The UK government wants to avoid a hard border (a wall?) but rumours are Theresa May is struggling (as always) to get her own cabinet to agree on the matter. 

Beyond Brexit, this week has seen some encouraging signs for the UK economy, in particular the widely watched PMI survey of the Services sector. The hope is the first quarter dip in growth was temporary. 

Option markets are keeping the dream alive; pricing in a 60% chance of a rate rise in September. But let’s face it, that’s not far off the flip of a coin. 

Today we have the 12-month inflation forecast due out. Buyers of Sterling will be hoping there’s no downward revision. 

EUR: Back to flavour of the month

The Italians may have caused some mayhem and the economic data may be soft, but that hasn’t stopped the Euro staging a comeback. 

The reason for the lift has come from unexpected quarters: the normally timid European Central Bank (ECB). 

The ECB is due to have its monthly policy meeting next week and the main point of discussion will be whether to end bond purchases later this year. This was confirmed yesterday by the ECB’s chief economist, Peter Praet. 

Despite the bullish noises from the ECB, the data in the EU continues to disappoint. A case in point was the negative reading on German factory orders yesterday. But when it comes to currencies, central banks beat economics (in the short-term anyway).  

USD: G7 Summit weighs on the Dollar

The bond markets have been playing a leading role in Dollar moves lately. This has largely been having a positive effect on the Dollar as US Treasury yields have been climbing on expectations of higher inflation/growth. 

But yesterday the trend went into reverse with US Treasury yields falling sharply, taking the wind out of the Dollar. Traders are putting it down to a drop in risk appetite, as tensions are rising between the US and its major trade partners ahead of the G7 summit this weekend. 

Key Currency

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Geoff Lambourne - Direct Dial me on 0044 (0)1872 487 470.

Current rates: 

Friday 8th June 2018 at 11:00

£1.00 GBP = 1.1400 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.3414 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7719 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 1.9113 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7462 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 17.6984 ZAR

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Jun 6

Currency Update - 6th June 2018

GBP: Sterling gets a much-needed boost

Sterling jumped yesterday after the latest PMI Survey of the dominant Services sector rose to a 3-month high. 

That means all three PMIs – manufacturing, construction and services – beat estimates in May. It’s some much-needed good news for Sterling. 

The next big test will be on Friday when the Bank of England’s 12-month inflation forecast is due for release. 

EUR: Euro gets surprise lift

The Euro steadied yesterday after Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, made it clear to Parliament that the government had never considered leaving the Eurozone. The reassurance has helped investors shift their attention to next week’s European Central Bank's (ECBs) policy meeting. 

Here’s the surprise bit of news. According to Bloomberg, the ECB is considering using this month’s meeting to announce an end date to its quantitative easing programme. If true, that would be very positive for the Euro. 

The rumour has caught investors off guard as it was thought the Italian political crisis and threat of global trade wars would keep the timid ECB from doing anything of consequence. 

USD: A cloud hangs over the Dollar

The Dollar gave up some of its recent gains yesterday, in part due to the strength of the Pound and Euro – which both had good sessions (as noted above).

There also remains a cloud hanging over the Dollar given the escalating tension over trade tariffs. Will the upcoming G7 summit in Canada bring calm or chaos? Best ask President Trump. 

Key Currency

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Geoff Lambourne - Direct Dial me on 0044 (0)1872 487 470.

Current rates: 

Wednesday 6th June 2018 at 15:30

£1.00 GBP = 1.1398 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.3428 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7505 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 1.9063 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7299 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 17.0463 ZAR

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At Clé France, many of our customers have a need for currency exchange.

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Key Currency is an award-winning currency exchange specialist, Key Currency Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Authorised Payment Institution (Financial Services Register No. 753989) and experienced in executing high-volume transactions.

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May 30

Sterling Surges Above 1.14 against Euro

GBP: What a difference a day makes

Sterling surged back above 1.14 against the Euro yesterday. But it was more a case of Euro weakness than Sterling strength. 

In fact, against the US Dollar, Sterling continued to slump – hitting 6-month lows. 

For those looking to buy Euro / selling Sterling, it’s an opportunity to mitigate some of your risk and take advantage of the recent moves. 

Sterling has not been performing well. So the Euro’s sudden slump is an opportunity that may not last. 

EUR: Italian crisis sends Euro crashing

The euro hit multi-month lows against major rivals yesterday as Italy’s political crisis deepened. 

There’s now talk that another election being held in the coming months. The underlying fear is that a new election will turn into a referendum about Italy’s membership of the EU.

Yields on Italian bonds have skyrocketed, so there are already real implications to this crisis as Italy has enormous debt and may struggle to fund itself.

The political news is likely to dominant trading in the Euro. However, there is German unemployment and inflation data due out today. A strong showing is needed if the Euro is to regain some stability. 

USD: Dollar up on scared money

The situation in Italy has brought back memories of the euro-zone debt crisis of 2010-2012. 

Its undermined any thoughts about the Euro joining the club of the world’s safe-haven currencies. 

As expected, yesterday saw money flow into the usual suspects: the Dollar, Yen and Swiss Franc as investors took cover from the turmoil. 

Meanwhile, investors are keeping a close eye on talks between the US and China. It’s set to be a busy day with GDP and Advanced Goods Trade Balance due out later. 

Key Currency

Thanks For Reading, What Next?

To discuss current exchange rates and currency purchasing strategies, please contact your trader today on 01872 487 500.

If you don't yet have an account please request a free quote and we’ll look after you from there.

Have a great day,

Geoff Lambourne - Direct Dial me on 0044 (0)1872 487 470.

Current rates: 

Wednesday 30th May 2018 at 15:45

£1.00 GBP = 1.1450 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.3284 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7609 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 1.9014 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7115 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 16.7355 ZAR

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At Clé France, many of our customers have a need for currency exchange.

We are pleased to have partnered with Key Currency to offer our customers favourable exchange rates on international currency transfers.

Key Currency is an award-winning currency exchange specialist, Key Currency Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority as an Authorised Payment Institution (Financial Services Register No. 753989) and experienced in executing high-volume transactions.

As a Clé France website visitor, you qualify for preferential exchange rates when you transact through Key Currency.

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