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Clé France

The French Property Network

Cle France and Key Currency - Here to help you

We at Cle France and Key Currency have been overwhelmed with thoughts and messages from our loyal clients, we really appreciate your kindness.

The most important thing for us all at the moment is to stay happy and well at home and we will of course keep your spirits up by sending you lovely properties to browse through.

Our colleagues at Key Currency will continue to keep you updated on the currency markets.

And don't forget they can lock-in an exchange rate for you ahead of any transaction you might make in the future, giving you even more peace of mind.

Some of you may indeed be in the middle of the process of buying or selling a property abroad: we are on hand to answer any questions you might have, regardless of whether you are buying or selling through us or not.

Some of you may also need to be paying international bills on your existing properties abroad or indeed need to send money to family: 

Key Currency will happily chat to you and assist you in any way they can.

Get a free quote here

Kind regards,
David Evans
Co-Founder of Cle France.

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