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Clé France

The French Property Network

Sep 25

Humpback whale off the Atlantic Coast

Do you want anothe reason to visit France apart from buying a property in France?

How about this; a Humpback Whale caught on video off the coast of Arcachon on the Atlantic coast of France.

FISHERMEN off the coast of the Bassin d'Arcachon captured on video a humpback whale leaping, twisting and jumping into the air from the depths of the Atlantic ocean, magnificent.

We hope you enjoy browsing through these pages of blogs. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your search, or indeed for any further information you may require.

NO HIDDEN FEES: The price you pay is the same as anyone walking through the door of the agency, same as the price paid by the French buyer.

All quoted prices are INCLUSIVE OF AGENCY FEES (FAI): with Notaire’s fees (around 7/8%) to be added.

OUR AGENTS: are all registered and insured in France, or they are holders of the 'carte professionnelle' as required by French law.

So when you buy through Clé France: you have the benefit of a bi-lingual support team & can be confident that you are paying no more than the standard commission rates you would pay anyway.

CONTACT US: to discuss your search for property in France, or indeed for any further information you may require on French property sales.

Cle Mortages 

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

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Sep 25

Quelle heure est-il - What Time is it in France

Only 24 Hours in a Day – French Time

Getting the time right from the basics of France being 1 hour ahead of the UK, let alone thinking about all the other time zones where Cle France clients travel from! Organising all the viewings with our 150+ agents at various times of the day can be a challenge but it is what we do everyday, day in and day out so we are pretty good at telling the time in French, are you?

Before moving to France I had never said seventeen o’clock. In France, that’s the normal way to say five o’clock PM.

France uses a 24 hour clock rather than an AM/PM system. This extends into the spoken language, and while you can say huit heures du soir (eight o’clock in the evening) or huit heures du matin (eight o’clock in the morning), it’s common to just say vingt heures (twenty o’clock) or huit heures (eight o’clock).

Cle France

Image by Kyle Steed on Flickr.

It’s not too hard to get used to the system, but it can lead to strange mixups. Aujourd’hui (today) I still occasionally get mixed up with the time and show up at the wrong time because mon cerveau (my brain) tried too hard to convert the 24 hour time.

One time I showed up to a meeting deux heures en avant (two hours early). I had checked l’horloge (the clock) about cinquante fois (fifty times) before leaving the house and I was just as surprised as the person I was meeting.

Ce n’est pas la bonne heure ? 

On a dit 17 heures et il est 15 heures !

It’s not the right time? 

We said 5 PM and it’s 3 PM!

I started to rougir (turn red) once I realised my mistake. I told myself that dix-sept heures is 5 o’clock so many times that once I saw a 5 sur l’horloge (on the clock) mon cerveau jumped ahead!

Once I was used to le nouveau système (the new system), I quite enjoyed the clarity that comes from never wondering if it’s 12 AM or PM, even if I still show up deux heures en avant sometimes.

We at Cle France have to be good with time planning as we send hundreds of people every week visiting properties in France and one other chap who is very good with timing is Ben, our Cle France dedicated currency expert, he makes sure your money is where it needs to be and on time.

Ben Amrany from FC Exchange follow this link or phone and ask for myself and quote "Cle France" on 020 7989 0000.

You may contact me directly using this form (click here) with your requirement and I will explain the options that are available to you in getting the best exchange rate.  

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

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Sep 21

Planning your trip to A Place in the Sun Live

Are you looking forward to the "A Place in the Sun LIve" Exhibition this weekend?

It is at the NEC Birmingham between the 25th-27th September 2015, experts from around the globe will gather at the London venue for A Place in the Sun Live exhibition.

YOU can get a FREE TICKET HERE still, just a few left.

Of course you do not need to leave home to talk to the experts, all you have to do is visit the Cle France website and everything is on hand but get yourself along to the London Olympia venue for A Place in the Sun Live exhibition for a great day out anyway!

Buying a home in your own country is stressful enough with chains, last minute jitters and that constant nagging question in your head – is this the right place for me? When you add to that distance and a whole new French buying and selling process it’s easy to understand why for some people a home in the sun remains just a dream. 

But it doesn’t have to. We can’t take away all of the stress, but we can give you the knowledge to make informed decisions, based on fact and a wealth of experience.

Use these tips to help you make the most of your visit to A Place in the Sun Live.

REALISTIC EXPECTATION - It is unlikely that you will find the property you want to buy at the Exhibition BUT that is fine and to be expected, use the exhibititors to get as much information on the process and the areas of France as you can, this way when you get home you will be able to focus in on the right regions and properties on the Cle France website.

PLAN – do you have an idea where you want to buy or are you just browsing what’s on offer? If you know you want to buy in France, think about the areas you like and focus on these. If you have a specfic knowledge gap, say inheritance law then target the solitor stands who specialise in this areas. Check out the floor plan in the Show Guide before you go. 

EXPLORE - At the exhibition there are specialised hubs for most popular areas, walk the entire arena as the same issues could be covered by companies operating in various countries. These hubs can give you information about individual agents as well as more specialist stands offering legal, tax and healthcare advice. 

LISTEN – Remember that your ticket price includes entry to all of the seminars. Here you’ll find in depth information about the pros and cons of buying in your particular area often by people with first-hand experience.  

KEEP AN OPEN MIND – This is the chance of a lifetime – a time when you can allow your heart to influence your head. Be prepared to compromise when you see all the available property but stay focussed on what really matters to you. 

ENJOY – Take a screen test for A Place in the Sun TV shows, meet the presenters and get your free copy of A Place in the Sun Magazine signed by one of them. 

FOLLOW UP – You’ll probably be offered a small mountain of literature to take away with you. Be selective about what you really need, and be assured that you can contact Cle France and any of our partners any time just by visiting the website or calling us on 01440 820 358.

FORGOT SOMETHING - if you think of any questions you forgot to ask on the day, no problem simply contact us and ask the question.

A Place in the Sun Free Tickets

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France. 

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Aug 17

Do you want FREE TICKETS for A Place in the Sun Live

Yes, that is right... FREE tickets to A Place in the Sun Live

A Place in the Sun Live is the official exhibition of the hit overseas property TV show and it takes place at the NEC Birmingham between the 25th-27th September 2015 and Cle France have free tickets worth £10 for you.

They are valid for any one day of the show from Friday 25th through to Sunday 27th September 2015 and include entry to The French Village and other country specialist areas of the show.

Whilst you’re there, don’t miss the chance to meet the presenters of the TV show Laura Hamilton, Jasmine Harman, Jonnie Irwin and of course, Amanda Lamb who will be on hand with their top tips and advice and to answer your questions about buying a property abroad. There’s even an exclusive opportunity to take a screen test to appear on the next series of the show.

Cle France - The French Property Network is of course on-line 24/7 with 8000+ properties for sale in France and lots of information about the Buying Process and more.

Contact us to help find the perfect property for you and feel free to take a look around the website at our fantastic properties.

MAKE SURE you are on our Mailing List to get regular updates on the French Property Market.

A Place in the Sun Live takes place at NEC Birmingham between the 25th-27th September 2015.

Click here to get your free tickets. These tickets are usually worth £10 each.

 Cle France and A Place in the Sun Promotion

There are only a few weeks left until the A Place in the Sun Exhibition returns to the NEC Birmingham, so if you haven’t claimed your free ticket yet then click here – they are going fast.

A Place in the Sun Live is the perfect place to start if you want to know more about buying property overseas. The two spring exhibitions earlier this year each welcomed over 7,700 people and received really positive feedback, with 96% saying they would recommend the show to family and friends.

The three day exhibition will be at the NEC Birmingham 25th – 27th September with plenty of expertise, advice and inspiration on buying overseas property. There will be over 150 exhibitors showcasing homes for sale around the world, including the favourite destinations of Spain, France, Portugal, Italy, Florida, Greece and Turkey. Specialist overseas property lawyers and advisers who understand the intricacies of the purchase process will also be available to answer your questions, and there will be free-to-attend seminars at The Hub and specialist country Pavilions.

If you would like to go to the show then you can claim your free tickets by clicking here.

These tickets are usually worth £10 each.

APITS Free Ticket Giveaway

For everything you need to know about French property visit

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Aug 10

EU succession regulation and French property

Before Brussels IV

The general rule was that French property would pass under French succession rules irrespective of your nationality, residence or domicile. An English will dealing with a French property would have been accepted, provided that it does not override the legal reserve of the heirs. Under French Law, the children cannot be deprived of a legal reserve (a defined proportion of the estate) of your French estate when you die.

One child receives 50% of your French estate, two children take two-third and three or more children take three-quarter equally between them. In the absence of children, the surviving spouse cannot be excluded from the French estate.

In practice British owners could either have a French will drafted to cover the French property or adding a codicil to their UK will.

Read on to lean about After Brussels IV...

Last Will and Testement

After Brussels IV:

Regarding the right of succession, the European Regulation No. 650/2012 (Brussels IV) will enter into force on 17 August 2015 and will apply to the estates of individuals dying after that date. Its purpose is to simplify succession planning with an international dimension. Cross-border successions can be sometimes complicated as there might be conflicts of laws.

Should UK nationals be concerned due to UK opting out from Brussels IV?

This EU regulation is universal (article 20 of Brussels IV) which means that it applies even if the designated law is not that of a EU Member State or from a state who opted out. Therefore, even through the UK has opted out, Brussels IV will still affect UK nationals residing in the UK or abroad.

In accordance with Brussels IV, UK nationals are now able to choose in their will the succession laws of their nationality or the laws of their habitual residence to their assets situated in the Brussels IV zone. As The UK opted out, the English succession laws will still apply to the estate located in England & Wales for UK expats. The choice of law must be done in a will, which must be drafted according to the rules of the country of habitual residence or the country of nationality or the country where real estate is located.

What now?

UK nationals living in France or in the UK can make a will designating English law to settle their French estate.

So it is probably good news since French law differs starkly to English Law where, subject to limited statutory control, an individual is free to dispose of his/her assets as he/she wishes. This would provide freedom for UK nationals to decide how their French assets should be passed on.


It must be reminded that Brussels IV will not change the taxation status of French estates. French inheritance tax rules will still apply to the devolution of any French estate. Therefore any devolution under English law to non-married partners, step-children or any non-relatives will attract an inheritance tax rate of 60%. France, inheritance tax is calculated on the basis of the amount that each individual beneficiary receives and how he or she is related to the deceased owner.

Furthermore, another issue remains unresolved: as Brussels IV just came out of the “legal factory” (in force in August 2015): the legal reserve of the children. In its article 35, Brussels IV provides that the application of the chosen law in the will must not be incompatible with public policies of the country where it will apply. French succession laws are very protective towards the children and the designation of English law in a will depriving the children of any successions could be found incompatible with the legal reserve of the children. It is therefore possible that the French courts could consider an English will invalid, as it excludes the children from the French estate. Given the novelty of Brussels IV, this issue remains unanswered until a challenge is being brought before a French court.


UK nationals can elect in their will English law to apply to their French assets. Although Brussels 4 appears to be good news for UK nationals owning properties In France, it still remains the uncertainty over an English Will being challenged before the French court if it deprives the children of their right to inherit.

To avoid these uncertainties and taking into account that French taxation rules still apply, people intending to purchase properties in France should still consider the French estate planning structures and take advice on the appropriate purchase structure and wills to ascertain that they will be in a position to transfer their French property in the way they wish and in a tax efficient manner.

This article was written by Loic Raboteau, French Legal Advisor and director of French Legal Consulting.

Francophile legal Consulting can assist you with international property matters. For more information on this topic, please do not hesitate to contact Loic Raboteau, managing director by completing the form below. 

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A little more about FRANCOphile Legal Consulting Ltd.

The company was created in response to the need of legal experts for international private clients and businesses. People are no longer confined within their own country boundaries to work, create a business or purchase assets. National, international laws and new technology have enabled people and businesses to move and expand internationally, creating a demand to resolve cross-border issues.

We are a London-based legal consultancy company dedicated to addressing our clients’ international needs. Whether you are a private individual moving or investing in a foreign country, an entrepreneur, or a business willing to expand internationally, FRANCOphile Legal Consulting Ltd will cater your specific requirements and will look after your interests in the short and long term.

Benefiting from an extensive network of international lawyers, solicitors, accountants and financial advisors based in London and in several jurisdictions, FRANCOphile Legal Consulting Ltd is able to handle your interests in different countries around the world.

Our approach and solutions are tailored to our clients’ needs. We believe that our clients are unique and warrant distinctive service.

Our international coverage includes France, London, Tunisia, Morocco, Egypt and Mauritius. If you would like to know more about us then fill out the contact form above and we will be right back to you.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

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