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Clé France

The French Property Network

Jan 7

Currency News – Sterling Outlook for 2019

Sterling begins 2019 at an interesting juncture.

While there is plenty of pessimism already priced in, there are also some clear risks that lie ahead.

The fact is no one really knows for sure how Brexit will play-out from here.

The bookmakers are always an interesting source of insight as people back their opinions with their money.

Interestingly, the odds show that the UK is highly likely to go ahead and leave the EU this year but also that Jeremy Corbyn is most likely to be Britain’s next Prime Minister!

If both of these significant events unfold then Sterling is in for a volatile ride in 2019.

It seems currency markets still crave the idea of Brexit not materialising. Any news that suggests a soft exit or no exit at all, is taken as good news for Sterling.

But is this realistic? Or is it just the City of London desperately trying to hold on to its dominant position in European financial markets?

What we do know is that some major decisions are fast approaching.

The Parliament’s Brexit vote is scheduled for the week of 14th January (next week). Surely, this is the do-or-die moment for Theresa May’s premiership?

For those with GBP exposure, it’s important to keep up with the latest news and events.

Please get in touch as we can help structure a plan that mitigates your currency risk.

Click here for a free quote

Kind regards, 
David Evans 
Co-Founder of Cle France

If you are concerned about Brexit? download our "PDF Guide to Brexit" document.

Brexit Guide Download

Concerned about Brexit? download our "Buyers Guide to Brexit" PDF document.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

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Dec 31

Auld Lang Syne In French

Only An Au Revoir

La Saint-Sylvestre (New Year’s Eve) may be celebrated slightly differently in France, mais (but) there’s a song associated with la fête (the holiday) that is fairly familiar to tout le monde (everyone).

La chanson du réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre (The New Year’s Eve song), Auld Lang Syne, is one that all anglophones know. It’s interesting to note that while les anglophones know the song and can sing along to it, most do not understand les paroles (the lyrics), because la chanson is not actually en anglais!

Auld Lang Syne was originally written in 1788 by le poète écossais (the Scottish poet), Robert Burns. Les paroles were written in Scots and set to une ballade écossaise (a Scottish ballad). La chanson quickly spread around l’Écosse (Scotland) and the rest of le monde anglophone (the English speaking world), and in the course of a few hundred years Auld Lang Syne became the traditional New Year’s Eve song it is today.

The Scottish origins of la chanson explain why most anglophones have trouble understanding les paroles, but translating the title from Scots to English makes the odd name easier to understand:

Auld Lang Syne

Long Long Ago (literally: Old Long Since)

La chanson traditionnelle (the traditional song) was translated into French in 1920 by Jacques Sevin, one of the cofounders of les Scouts de France (The Scouts of France). Outside of New Year’s celebrations, Auld Lang Syne is often song at Scouts events around the world.

La traduction (the translation) changes les paroles quite a bit, but successfully captures the spirit of old friends and saying goodbye. Even le nom de la chanson (the name of the chanson) is completely different, but the change keeps the feeling behind the song:

Ce n’est qu’un au revoir

It’s only a goodbye

Auld Langs Syne

In between making your voeux du nouvel An (New Year’s resolutions) and remembering the best of 2017, take a moment to celebrate la Saint-Sylvestre and sing Ce n’est qu’un au revoir en version francaise :


Faut-il nous quitter sans espoir,

Sans espoir de retour,

Faut-il nous quitter sans espoir

De nous revoir un jour


Do we have to leave without hope,

Without hope of returning,

Do we have to leave without hope

Of seeing each other some day



Ce n’est qu’un au-revoir, mes frères

Ce n’est qu’un au-revoir

Oui, nous nous reverrons, mes frères,

Ce n’est qu’un au-revoir



It’s only a goodbye, my brothers

It’s only a goodbye

Yes, we will see each other again, my brothers

It’s only a goodbye


Formons de nos mains qui s’enlacent

Au déclin de ce jour,

Formons de nos mains qui s’enlacent

Une chaîne d’amour.


Let’s make with our hands held together

At the end of this day,

Let’s make with our hands held together

A chain of love.


Unis par cette douce chaîne

Tous, en ce même lieu,

Unis par cette douce chaîne

Ne faisons point d’adieu.


Connected by this gentle chain

Everyone, in this same place,

Connected by this gentle chain

Do not bid farewell.


Car Dieu qui nous voit tous ensemble

Et qui va nous bénir,


Because God who sees us all together

And who will bless us,


Car Dieu qui nous voit tous ensemble

Saura nous réunir.


Because God who sees us all together

Knows that we will meet again.

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Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

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Dec 23

Festive Period Office Hours - 2018

Our Website and all the information you can find on it is open 24/7 of course but even we at Cle France take some time off over the festive Period.

Cle France UK offices will be closed from Monday 24th December 2018 until Wednesday 2nd January 2019.

Emails, messages and requests will be dealt with quickly on our return on Wednesday 2nd of January 2019.

Wishing everyone a Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année.

Merry Christmas

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Dec 19

Brexit - It is Officially a Mess

Today's Currency Market Focus Includes:

GBP: It’s officially a mess
EUR: Pick your poison 
USD: Fed up

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GBP: It’s officially a mess

Let’s cut to it – no one knows what is going to happen next with Brexit.

There are so many possibilities that it is impossible to predict what’s around the corner. And as we’ve been saying for a while – the Pound remains hostage to Brexit.

Before the mid-Jan vote, the PM is looking to get “assurances” from the EU to help convince UK Parliament to back her deal. We doubt some assurances will make much difference. The more persuasive argument is simply the threat of a no-deal Brexit – which analysts think could trigger over a 10% fall in the Pound.

The Pound is looking increasingly fragile as the Brexit deadline approaches.

EUR: Pick your poison

The Euro is facing battles on several fronts. The upheaval in France combined with weakening Eurozone data and cautious comments from the ECB are all placing downward pressure on the Euro.

It wasn’t long ago that the Eurozone economy looked to be in firmly in recovery mode but with German growth slumping to a 4-year low, things don’t look good heading into the new year.

USD: Fed up

All eyes will be on the Fed’s December rate meeting tonight.

The odds of another hike stand at 69%. President Trump isn’t happy about it. He warned the Fed not to “make yet another mistake”.

Even though the Fed may go ahead anyway, some analysts think they will soften their tone on the outlook for 2019 – which could be Dollar negative.

We are staying open as normal throughout the Christmas period, except the public holidays.

If you need any personal guidance, a quick quote or need to trade, it is not too late.

We are open all this week!

Key Currency

Thanks For Reading, What Next?

Have a great day, Geoff Lambourne - Direct Dial me on 0044 (0)1872 487 470.

Current rates: 

Wednesday 19th December 2018 at 11:00

£1.00 GBP = 1.1090 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.2350 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7577 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 1.8446 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7035 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 18.0856 ZAR

Cle France Currency Guide link

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  • At Clé France / Key Currency, many of our customers have a need for currency exchange.
  • We are pleased to offer our customers favourable exchange rates on international currency transfers.
  • As a Clé France website visitor, you qualify for preferential exchange rates when you transact through Key Currency.

How to Save Money on your foreign currency transfers

  • Key Currency can save you money by offering more competitive rates of exchange than your bank.
  • Clients can typically save you 3-4% of the total transaction value, which can result in significant cost savings.
  • All client funds are held in segregated accounts with top-tier banks keeping your money safe and secure.
  • Download our "Buying A Property in France" Guide PDF document.
  • Concerned about Brexit? download our "Buyers Guide to Brexit" PDF document.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

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Dec 14

Thank You for your Fab Cle France Network

Hi Sharon,

We are slowly settling in to French life in our fab new French property found via Cle France network and your agent in France could not have been more helpful.

Not only did he show us the property and was happy to take us back for a second viewing, he also has supported us through the whole buying process, being there at the Notaire’s, sorting out the change over of electricity and water, including setting up DDs for us - we couldn’t have done it comparatively stress-free without his help and support. He has even helped us out after we moved in when telephone French and SMEP proved a step too far for me!!

So thank you so much for making it happen for us - buying a property which is so different from what you’re used to is never going to be ‘the dream’ straight away - we are realists! but we are getting closer to it on a daily basis!

Thank you again for your fab network.

Best wishes, Fran and Nigel Bennett.

Psst - Have you seen our new "Meet the Team" page?

Buying a Chateau, Manor House, Farmhouse, Cottage, Holiday Home, Lake or just a Plot of land in France is easy with Cle France, You can do the same, it is easy for you because WE guide YOU through the French Property Buying Process from the very start to completion and beyond!

And as several of our clients say "Follow your heart and make the move"!

Thank You Cle France

For everything you need to know about French property visit

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