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Clé France

The French Property Network

Dec 13

Why 2024 is set for currency volatility

Markets are forward-looking beasts

By saying that, I mean they not only react to current news but also try to anticipate news before it occurs.

Which is why I wanted to touch on what’s happening right now.

Futures markets are pricing in a bunch of interest rate cuts in 2024.

Good news for borrowers, but a mixed bag for currencies.

At the moment, markets are expecting the EU to slash rates by around 1.5% next year, the US to cut by 1.25% and the UK by 0.75%.

As currencies weaken with lower rates, any difference in the size of the cuts would trigger a good dose of currency volatility.

If all remains unchanged (a big if), the Pound should benefit relative to the Euro and Dollar.

A lot could & will happen between now and then, but that is the current consensus thinking across the medium term.

In the short-term we have had a bit of profit taking in Pound Sterling after its stellar run recently.

Both GBP/EUR and GBP/USD have drifted down over the past week.

There’s just over 2 weeks to go in 2023...

So what next, what should you do?

Get ahead of the game and read our Guide to Foreign Currency Exchange.

Download the Guide Here - with no obligation of course.

If you have a currency requirement and want the peace of mind of securing a rate now, please get in touch.

You can speak to us on 01872 487 500.

Or to find out our latest rates, click below.

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Benefits of using Key Currency:

  1. Great exchange rates
  2. Quick and easy transfers
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Current rates: 

Wednesday 13th December 2023 at 10.00

£1.00 GBP = 1.1610 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.2524 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.9107 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 2.0542 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7025 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 1.0973 CHF

  • Want to Learn More?

  • We have created a selection of Free PDF Guides for you to download covering many aspects of buying property abroad, visit our PDF Guides Page today or download our "Buying A Property in France" Guide PDF document.
  • Want to Live in France Post-Brexit? download our "PDF Guide to Living in France Post-Brexit" document.

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  • Need to Send Money Abroad?

    • At Clé France / Key Currency, many of our customers have a need for currency exchange.
    • We are pleased to offer our customers favourable exchange rates on international currency transfers.
    • As a Clé France website visitor, you qualify for preferential exchange rates when you transact through Key Currency.

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How to Save Money on your foreign currency transfers

  • Key Currency can save you money by offering more competitive rates of exchange than your bank.
  • Clients can typically save you 3-4% of the total transaction value, which can result in significant cost savings.
  • All client funds are held in segregated accounts with top-tier banks keeping your money safe and secure.

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Dec 13

13th December - Christmas for Père Fouettard

Santa’s Naughty Partner: Come Meet Père Fouettard!

He sees you when you’re sleeping

He knows when you’re awake

He knows if you’ve been bad or good

So be good for goodness sake!

Cle France Blogs

Image courtesy of 'le blog marievie'.

Christmas tomorrow, so that means there are only 24 hours to right your wrongs from the past year to make sure you end up on Santa’s nice list.

In many countries, good little boys and girls wake up to presents under the tree and stockings filled with goodies. The rotten apples get a gift from the man in red, too, but it’s in the form of coal. What are you supposed to do with un morceau de charbon (a lump of coal)? Well, I suppose you could harness its energy  for electricity or apply enough energy to transform it into a diamond, but that’s for another blog.

While coal was on the lips of many American politics this past political season, it certainly was not on any kid’s wish list. And while bad kids in France also receive coal, they have another thing to worry about that anglophone kiddies get to avoid: Père Fouettard (Father Whipper)!

We all know the story of the Christmas patriarch Saint Nicholas, the Bishop of Myra who was the inspiration behind Santa Claus. Nicholas came from a wealthy family and spent much of his life sharing his wealth with those less fortunate than he. Santa is a very nice man to the kids all around the world, but homeboy works alongside Father Whipper, who takes care of the naughty kids.

So what’s this punisher’s story? His first appearance dates back to the 12th century. A local innkeeper (in some variations, he’s a butcher) and his wife capture 3 wealthy children who were on their way to enrol in a religious boarding school. The couple rob the children, murder them, and cook them in a stew. Saint Nick was not happy and showed up at the innkeeper’s door. The innkeeper was transformed into Father Whipper and became an eternal partner with Saint Nick. Personally, I don’t see that as much of a punishment since the innkeeper continues to torture children, but I’m but a mere blogger.

On Saint Nicholas’s Day (le 6 décembre), Père Fouettard travels around and gifts coal and spankings. He’s pretty easy to recognise, too. Our cultures show Santa Claus the same way: a jolly fat man in a red suit with a big white beard. There are different representations of Father Whipper, but he’s easy to spot. Sometimes you’ll see him in dark robes carrying a bag with switches on his back. Other times, he’s wearing teh same suit as Santa, but it’s black. He has a darkened face from all the soot in the chimneys (and alas, sometimes, you’ll still see people playing him in blackface) and his beard is unkempt.

So you better be good whatever you do

cause if you’re bad, I’m warning you

you’ll get nothing* for Christmas

Alors, as-tu été sage cette année ?

So, were you good this year?

* = except coal and whippings

Cle France Currency Guide link

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

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Dec 12

12th December - So how do the French celebrate Christmas?

So how do the French celebrate Christmas?

From tomorrow we are going to start the 'Clé's Countdown to a French Christmas', each day we will publish an article about Christmas in France, how it differs from the UK and America as well as other European cultures. Some of the quirks as well as the religious and traditional festive activities, we hope you like our 12 days of a French Christmas countdown.

In France, Christmas is a time for family and for generosity, marked by family reunions, gifts and chocolates for children, gifts for the poor, Midnight Mass, and le Réveillon.

We still arrange and meet with clients during December and over the holidays for property viewings in France, vendors still want to sell their house in France and you may have some time off work to visit France to look at some lovely French Houses BUT make sure you give us enough notice as it can be a busy period and of course most of our offices will have periods of closure over the festive period.

Christmas in France

The celebration of Christmas in France varies by region. As you would expect most regions celebrate Christmas on the 25th of December, which is a bank holiday. However, in eastern and northern France, the Christmas season begins on 6 December, la fête de Saint Nicolas, and in some provinces la fête des Rois* is one the most important holidays of the Christmas season. In Lyon, 8 December is la Fête de lumières, when Lyonnais pay hommage to the virgin Mary by putting candles in their windows to light up the city.

*Epiphany (la fête des Rois) is usually celebrated the 6th of January, but in some places in France it is celebrated the first Sunday after January 1st.

French Christmas Traditions

French children put their shoes in front of the fireplace, in the hopes that Père Noël (aka Papa Noël) will fill them with gifts. Chocolate, fruit, nuts, and small toys will also be hung on the tree overnight. In some regions there's also Père Fouettard who gives out spankings to bad children (sort of the equivalent of Santa giving coal to the naughty). Pere Noel, like Santa, has a long, white beard, but wears a long, red robe that is trimmed with white fur and hooded. He is also portrayed as being thin, rather than fat.

AND shopping in France is as big an event as in the UK and eslewhere of course.

In 1962, a law was passed decreeing that all letters written to Santa would responded to with a postcard. When a class writes a letter, each student gets a response.

Le Réveillon

Reveillon is a huge traditional feast that takes place over the holiday season. It is eaten late at night, following Christmas Eve mass. What is served largely depends upon which area of the country you live in. This is probably one of the best reasons to visit France during Christmas. Although fewer and fewer French attend la Messe de Minuit on Christmas Eve, it is still an important part of Christmas for many families.

Le Réveillon is a symbolic awakening to the meaning of Christ's birth and is the culinary high point of the season, which may be enjoyed at home or in a restaurant or café that is open all night. Each region in France has its own traditional Christmas menu, with dishes like turkey, capon, goose, chicken, and boudin blanc (similar to white pudding). Examples of some the dishes served are oysters, pâté de foie gras, turkey, goose, salads, fruit, a Yule Log and, of course, wine.

Throughout the French Christmas season, there are special traditional desserts:

  • La bûche de Noël (Yule log) - A log-shaped cake made of chocolate and chestnuts. Representative of the special wood log burned from Christmas Eve to New Year's Day in the Périgord, which is a holdover from a pagan Gaul celebration.
  • Le pain calendeau (in southern France) - Christmas loaf, part of which is given to a poor person.
  • La Galette des Rois (on Epiphany) - round cake which is cut into pieces and distributed by a child, known as le petit roi or l'enfant soleil, hiding under the table. Whoever finds la fève - the charm hidden inside - is King or Queen and can choose a partner.

French Christmas Decorations

The sapin de Noël is the main decoration in homes, streets, shops, offices, and factories. The sapin de Noël appeared in Alsace in the 14th century, decorated with apples, paper flowers, and ribbons, and was introduced in France in 1837.

Another important aspect of French Christmas celebrations is the crèche filled with santons, which is displayed in churches and many homes. Living crèches in the form of plays and puppet shows based on the Nativity are commonly performed to teach the important ideas of Christianity and the Christmas celebration.

Mistletoe is hung above the door during the Christmas season to bring good fortune throughout the year.

After Réveillon, it's customary to leave a candle burning in case the Virgin Mary passes by.

Is that Carol singing?

Some traditional French Christmas carols include "Un Flambeau", "Petit Papa Noel", "La Marche des rois", "Venez Divin Messie", "Nouelle Agreable" and "C'est la jour de la Noel."

Cle France Currency Guide link

Blog submitted by: David at Cle France.

For everything you need to know about French property visit

2 CommentsViews: 12439
Dec 7

Cle France Christmas Competition...

Ho Ho Ho! Its Competition Time!

Here's your chance to win one of our amazing prizes!

It's the most wonderful time of the year when we get to eat amazing food such as Mince pies, Turkey, Chocolate Selection Boxes etc.

Clé France Great Giveaway,
This year, to celebrate Christmas we've decided to give away some amazing Amazon voucher prizes.

Prizes are as follows:
Grand Prize of £200.00 voucher
2 x runner up prizes of £50.00 voucher

To be in with a chance of winning, all you have to do is register for a free currency exchange account & make a currency trade with us at Key Currency before the 22nd of December.
Minimum trade £10k.

Click on 'Get a Quote' to register, click below.

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Have you seen David's YouTube Short Video talking about our Christmas Competition.

For everything you need to know about French property for sale visit

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Dec 6

Currency Market Update - 6th December 2023

Pound has surprise jump against Euro & Dollar

Here’s a quick summary of what’s happening:

- GBP-EUR & GBP-USD hovering near 3-month highs
- Markets bet on ECB rate cuts
- Bank of England dismissive of any UK cuts

Pound Sterling is maintaining its strength as traders believe the Bank of England will be the last to cut rates.

Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey dismissed the idea of rate cuts as “not happening”.

The Eurozone’s inflation rate has fallen to 2.4%, only marginally above the 2% target.

In the USA, the Fed also seems to be softening its stance.

Fed Governor Christopher Waller, who was previously pushing to higher rates, now says they could start lowering US interest rates in 3-5 months.

Anyway, the bottom line is the ‘policy divergence’ is good news for Sterling.

Buyers of Euro and Dollars might want to take advantage.

So what next, what should you do?

Get ahead of the game and read our Guide to Foreign Currency Exchange.

Download the Guide Here - with no obligation of course.

If you have any currency requirements, please get in touch.

You can call us on 01872 487 500 to discuss rates and timing.

To find out our latest rates, click below.

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Benefits of using Key Currency:

  1. Great exchange rates
  2. Quick and easy transfers
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Current rates: 

Wednesday 6th December 2023 at 09.30

£1.00 GBP = 1.1674 EURO

£1.00 GBP = 1.2604 USD

£1.00 GBP = 1.9169 AUD

£1.00 GBP = 2.0493 NZD

£1.00 GBP = 1.7119 CAD

£1.00 GBP = 1.1025 CHF

  • Want to Learn More?

  • We have created a selection of Free PDF Guides for you to download covering many aspects of buying property abroad, visit our PDF Guides Page today or download our "Buying A Property in France" Guide PDF document.
  • Want to Live in France Post-Brexit? download our "PDF Guide to Living in France Post-Brexit" document.

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  • Need to Send Money Abroad?

    • At Clé France / Key Currency, many of our customers have a need for currency exchange.
    • We are pleased to offer our customers favourable exchange rates on international currency transfers.
    • As a Clé France website visitor, you qualify for preferential exchange rates when you transact through Key Currency.

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How to Save Money on your foreign currency transfers

  • Key Currency can save you money by offering more competitive rates of exchange than your bank.
  • Clients can typically save you 3-4% of the total transaction value, which can result in significant cost savings.
  • All client funds are held in segregated accounts with top-tier banks keeping your money safe and secure.

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