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Clé France

The French Property Network

Aug 27

The agent we met was very helpful and friendly

We had a lovely time driving in France and viewing properties.

The agent we met was very helpful and friendly, we viewed many properties.

A big thank you for all your help in setting up viewings. We are now packing up ready to come home.

Regards, Andy and Ann.

Whenever we send a client viewing to France we follow up with them to make sure their experience was everything we expect, if our agents fall short we address the issues and move on. We make sure that every part of the process is open and stress free for our clients.

Thank You Cle France

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Aug 25

Stunning House For Sale in Normandy


Want to acquire this stunning property?Well, now you can and this could all be yours for €196,100.To register your...

Posted by Cle France on Monday, 24 August 2015
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Aug 21

Your agent was a Gentleman

Sharon, It's amazing how viewing changes your initial opinion. 

One we went to today was a potential favourite of mine but ended up been the first we put a line through. 

"Firstly your agent was a gentleman, lovely guy, please thank him again"

The second property, my wife loved it.

The 3rd property, Semi detached with the green lake, we absolutely loved it! Really excited by it.

So three more viewings tomorrow. No doubt we shall speak more on our return to England. 

Thanks for arranging things, you never know, this could yet have a fruitful ending yet.

Best regards, Dave.

Cle France keeps in touch with you every step of the way so you know what is going on and what to do next.

Thank You Cle France

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Aug 20

Who Ya Gonna Call? Not 911

After figuring out how les numéros de téléphones français (French phone numbers) work and when things are open (Pharmacies even on Sundays!), there is a big thing some people don’t release when they’re going abroad.

Qui est-ce qu’on appelle en cas d’urgence ?

Who do you call in an emergency?

The UK 999 number used to be easy to remember but now there are alternatives in the UK, if that is not confusing enough, we all seem to remember the American number, 911, but  that does not work everywhere in the world!

Knowing the appropriate number is an important part of being à l’étranger (abroad).

Cle France blogs

Photo by Napafloma-Photographe on Flickr

In France, there are several numbers you should know en cas d’urgence:

15 – Le SAMU (Le Service d’aide médical urgente) – Medical emergencies

17 – La police

18 – Les pompiers (firemen) – fire emergencies

112 – SOS – all services

If you have trouble remembering all of them, the most important one is cent douze – 112. Having more emergency numbers means “Call 911!” has a few translations in French:

Appellez le quinze ou appellez les urgences !

Appellez le dix-sept ou appellez la police !

Appellez le dix-huit ou appellez les pompiers !

Appellez le cent douze !

La raison pour tous ces numéros (the reason for all these numbers) is that le 112 is a relatively new pan-european emergency number. Traditionally you would call a specific number for a specific emergency, et beaucoup de gens (and many people) continue to do so today.

Entre parenthèses (a quick side note, litterally between parenthesis), au Canada francophone (in French speaking Canada) it’s slightly different. The emergency number is the same as in the US, 911, but it’s not read as one number. Instead, each digit is read out – neuf un un (nine one one).

No matter the number, there are a few important questions you need to be able to answer after l’opérateur (the operator) picks up the phone.

Qui je suis ?

Où je suis ?

Pourquoi j’appelle ?

Who am I?

Where am I?

Why am I calling?

You have to let them know whether you’re victime ou témoin (a victim or a witness) and give them un numéro de téléphone so they can call you back. You also need to give them l’adresse précise (the exact address) for where they need to go. Lastly, you have to tell them why you’re calling.

You might be able to speak to l’opérateur in English, but chances are you’ll have to flex your French speaking muscles and try to explain the situation in French! Heureusement (fortunately), answering the above questions is easy:

Je suis victime/témoin.

Je suis à….


C’est un cas d’urgence !

I am a victim/witness.

I am at/on….

I live at/on….

It’s an emergency!

Cle Mortages 

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

For everything you need to know about French property visit


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Aug 19

We couldn’t have done it without Cle France

Hi David,

I am not sure if Julie responded, following the sale of our French house, as we have been a bit behind on e-mails having just moved ourselves from Singapore to the UK.

My comments would be that Cle France have provided an exceptional level of service and support to enable us to complete the sale of our French home. The simple fact is that we couldn’t have done it without Cle France and we would like to give you a big Thank You for providing the wherewithal to "make it happen".

Kind regards, 


It should come as no surprise that Cle France help as many people to sell their house in France as we help people buy a property in France. We sold Andrew and Julie's house in Brittany recently with help from our enhanced marketing so not only do we have a happy vendor, we also have a happy buyer.

Thank You Cle France

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