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Clé France

The French Property Network

Mar 2

Nice to know you have a fan club!

It's all very scary and exciting at the same time, as I'm sure you know. I meant to say I spoke to someone recently using a FSBO site (For Sale By Owner) and in the course of discussions he said you were one of the very few estate agents he had any respect for and that you never tried to fob property off on people or waste their time...

Nice to know you have a fan club!

thanks and regards, Lorna.

Not that we approve of private sales as such LOL (we are an Estate agent after all !) but it is nice to know that our approach to the market place is respected and we know that YOU the buyer will only buy the property you want to buy, we just make sure we have the best property for sale in France and offer a top class service.

Well done Cle France

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Mar 2

Nothing was too much trouble

Dear David,

Many thanks for all your help in making our move go smoothly.

Nothing was too much trouble and your customer service didn't meet my expectations - it exceeded them! Well done.

I may still have things to ask, but when I do I know you will happily help.

Regards, Colin Howard.

Colin bought a house in Brittany that we were marketing for a vendor through one of our GOLD Level Marketing packages, a stunning property that had lots of interest but Colin got himself first in the que to view and picked himself up a lovely Breton Bargain! Everyone at Cle France wishes Colin and family many happy years visiting their beautiful holiday home in Cotes d'Armor, Brittany.

Thanks you cle france

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Feb 26

Les Bilingues - A funny look at Bilingual people

French Youtube Stars: Norman Thavaud

Bilingual people

Photo by Stéphane Peres on Flickr.

In the modern era of content creation there are many new names coming out of the Internet. A big platform for these new stars is Youtube with many people now creating leurs propres séries (their own shows) on the website.

En France many of these youtubeurs have strated breaking into the mainstream. One of the biggest being Norman Thavaud, a 27 year old comedian who started making short web videos on sa chaine Youtube (his Youtube channel), Norman fait des videos (Norman makes videos), in 2010 and is now un nom connu (a househeld name).

Une vidéo typique de Norman (A typical Norman video) is a comical sketch with Norman speaking to the camera and then cutting to scenes acting out what he is talking about in a very comical way.

Norman has more than 5 million subscribers sur sa chaîne Youtube (on his Youtube channel) and has even picked up roles in television and film. Pushing the boundaries even farther he started doing live spectacles (shows) that have been wildly successful.

For a French learner, les vidéos de Norman sont une source merveilleuse (Norman’s videos are a wonderful source). They provide unique insights into la culture française (French culture) and provide examples of everyday French and everyday French humor. Some of it might be hard to follow, but petit à petit (slowly) you’ll be able to keep up and start laughing!

To start your journey through des videos de Norman (Norman’s videos) check out sa vidéo qui s’appelle (his video called) Les Bilingues (bilingual people), an amazing short with many jokes about French people who also speak English. Heureusement (luckily), la vidéo has English subtitles!

health insurance

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

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Feb 25

The agony of choice

Here is an edited down version of a property hunter on the Cle France website today sending us houses she wants to view by clicking on our "Make an Enquiry" tab beneath the property listing main image, it seems we have a lot of nice houses for sale in France.

Want this one!

Or this one?

Look at this one, wow!!!

Or this! Gorgeous garden!

This! Prices are euros, not pounds.... CRAZY! when can we visit???

This!!! Sorry, this'll be the last!

So many lovely properties in my price range!

Well done Cle France

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Feb 19

French Jokes: “Where is Brian?”

Having a good private joke (especially an in-joke) is a great way to open the door to a new culture and break the ice. For many learners of a foreign language humour is not always the easiest thing to understand, and it can be a rather large cultural hurdle.

In my experience, I found it difficult to capter des blagues françaises (get French jokes), until I heard one that played into how the French learned English.

Recently I was in France on business with Ben Amrany of FC Exchange, we were seeking out new Cle France agents and meeting old friends at the same time. Talking about the buying process and how to sell French Houses to non-French speaking clients can be a trial so from time to time I tried a little humour to lighten the load.

At one point I was introduced to a member of the team in a local French estate agents office, we shall call him Ernest, he was in his 30s and I was told he was the member of staff learning English but had only just started, so I said "was he attending a CP class cour preparatoire at the local school?" I then went on to mime trying to get in and out of the small chairs they had in the lobby for children to sit on whilst waiting for Mum and Dad who were viewing property for sale.

Everyone thought it was funny except Ernest who probably thought I was saying he had a mental age of a 6 year old rather than just making light of learning English as a beginner!

So I brought out the default blague “Where is Brian?” to rescue the situation!

Where is Brian

Photo by Elliott Brown on Flickr.

La blague (the joke) comes from the famous comedian, Gad Elmaleh, and the joke plays on the teaching method used in French schools for learning English throughout the 1980s and into the 1990s.

La blague from his sketch (routine) goes like this:

En Francais...

Parce que j’ai quelques notions d’anglais quand même, j’ai appris l’anglais comme vous à l’école quand on était petit.

On a tous eu les même cours débiles !

Avec cette fameuse question existentielle à laquelle il fallait trouver absolument une réponse: “Where is Brian?”

Il vous a traumatisé aussi ce Brian…

On savait pas qui c’était ce Brian, on s’en foutait, mais il fallait le localiser dans la maison pour apprendre l’anglais, c’était ça.

Il fallait trouver les gens de la famille Brian pour apprendre l’anglais, qu’est-ce qui s’passe ?

“Where is Brian?” et toi comme un idiot tu répondais sagement : “Brian is in the kitchen”…

In English...

Because I know a little English too, I learned English in school when I was little like all of you.

We all had the same dumb class!

With that famous existential question that you just had to find an answer to: “Where is Brian?”

Brian traumatized all of you as well…

You didn’t know who Brian was, you didn’t care, but you had to find out where he was in the house in order to learn English, that was it.

You had to find the members of Brian’s family in order to learn English, and what happened?

“Where is Brian?” and like an idiot you calmly responded: “Brian is in the kitchen”…

Insert laughter here...

I know it is not that funny on paper but the result of his wildly successful standup show is now a common joke among French people. “Where is Brian?” leads almost immediately to the response, “Brian is in the kitchen.”

If you can learn this simple blague, tes amis français (your French friends) will be surprised that you know la blague and feel more comfortable sharing French culture with you.

Next time you meet with tes amis français, try askng them:

“Where is Brian?”

health insurance

Blog submitted by: David at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

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