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Clé France

The French Property Network

These past few months I have had to constantly think about mon mémoire et la soutenance. Now that I have finished my degree there’s one question that everyone asks me:

“Alors, qu’est-ce que vous allez faire maintenant ?”

(So, what are you going to do now?)


La vie étudiante (student life) gets you into a rhythm :

Assister aux cours, étudier, faire les devoirs, écrire les rapports, attendre les résultats

Go to classes, study, do homework, write reports, wait for the results

Things can change when dealing with un système d’éducation différent. In France there’s a constant wave of CM et TD and trying to get un vingt.

Regardless of where you are, time in a classroom is time spent learning new things and la vie étudiante is a mix of stress and excitement.

Cle France

La vie d’un jeune diplômé (the life of a recent graduate) drastically changes things.

Everything shifts to a new goal: Trouver un boulot - Find a job!

I have to mettre à jour mon CV (update your CV) and write many lettres de motivation (cover letters) – not forgetting la formule de politesse.

Sometimes l’emploi idéal (the perfect job) requires a move. Alors, in between updating mon profile LinkedIn (my LinkedIn profile) and asking mes professeurs (my professors) for advice, I also have to think about le coût d’un déménagement (the cost of moving).

Most of all it means thinking about what I want to do and being sure I can do it en français (in French)!

Voici un vocabulaire des jeune diplômés :

Mettre à jour son CV – Update your CV

Actualiser son CV – Update your CV

La lettre de motivation – Cover letter

Demande d’emploi – Job application

Offre d’emploi – Job ad, job opportunity

La carrière – Career

L’emploi – Job, employment

Le travail – Work, job, task

Travailler – To work

Bosser* – To Work

Le boulot* – Job, work

Le job* – Job, work

Gagner sa vie – To make/earn a living

Le salaire – Salary

Le salaire minimum – Minimum wage

Le SMIC – Minimum wage


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Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

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