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Father's Day / La Fete Des Pères - In French

La Fete des Pères (Father’s Day) is just around the corner!

Unlike la Fete des Mères (Mother’s Day), cette fete (this holiday) doesn’t involve remembering two different dates when you’re from the UK or les États-Unis! 

In both France & UK and aux USA, la fete falls on the third Sunday of June.

La Fete des Pères is both a new and old holiday. The tradition of having a day of celebration for your father goes back to at least le Moyen Age, but the modern holiday is more of an American export.

In every version of la Fete des Pères throughout history, I imagine it has always been difficult to know what exactly to get un papa (a dad) for leur fete.

Even today it can still be difficult, but fortunately a lot of dad gifts have become standard over the years.

Of course, les papas will be content with a good laugh when they make a corny joke, and in that spirit of les blagues nulles (bad jokes) or dad jokes, stores everywhere stock up with novelty ties, mugs, shirts, and any other dad gift you can think of.

It boils down to finding a million way to say: Le meilleur papa du monde! / The best dad in the world!

Peu importe (no matter) how bad le jeu de mots (play on words), the most important part of la fete des pères is having la famille (the famil) send a loving message:

Papa, je t’aime ! / Dad, I love you!

To get ready for la fete, take a moment to learn how to say some of the gifts un papa would expect on his special day.

Voici un vocabulaire des papas :

Le père – Father

Le papa – Dad, Daddy

Le grand-père – Grandfather

Le papy – Grandpa

Le cadeau – Gift

La cravate – Tie

Le mug – Mug

La grande tasse – Mug

Le T-shirt – T-shirt

Le rasoir – Razor

Le massage – Massage

Les chaussons – Slippers

Les pantoufles – Slippers

La tondeuse – Lawnmower

Le gril – Grill

La casquette – Baseball Cap!

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Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

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