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Clé France

The French Property Network

A Meal for All Seasons :

La Soupe à l’Oignon (Onion Soup)

Bienvenue mes amis! (Welcome my friends!) Aujourd’hui nous allons apprendre à préparer un plat bien Français: la soupe à l’oignon (Today we will be learning how to prepare a typical French dish: onion soup).

Tradition has dictated that French onion soup be served avec du fromage râpé (with grated cheese) and croutons. Although onion soups date back du temps des Romains (to Roman times), the French take on onion soup dates back to le 18ème siècle (the 18th century). The soup is made from bouillon de bœuf (beef broth) to which you add des oignons caramélisés (caramelized onions) and du Gruyère râpé (grated Gruyère) topped with une tranche de pain grillé (a slice of toasted bread) called a “crouton”.

Onion Soup reciepe with Cle France

 Image by Sea-Turtle on Flickr

There are a number of variations of French onion soup but the core elements remain the same: broth, cheese and bread. Below is a simple and quick recette (recipe) that will introduce you to this typical French dish. Although it lacks meat, this soup is still hearty and is often served as an entrée (appetizer) before le plat principal (the main dish).


2 ½ large yellow onions cut into thin slices

1 Tbsp. vegetable oil

2 Tbsp. flour

¼ tsp. sugar

3 ½ cups of beef broth

½ cup of grated Gruyère (can be substituted for another kind of Swiss cheese if Gruyère is difficult to find)

¼ cup of sherry, brandy, vermouth or white wine

Toasted French bread cut into slices


Heat oil in pan over medium heat. Add onions, reduce heat and let cook for 15 minutes. Remove cover. Increase heat to medium, add sugar and let cook until onions are caramelized. Add flour and stir for one minute. Add broth and spirit/wine and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to low and cook for 10 minutes. Top with bread and Gruyère.

Dégustez en famille ou avec des amis! Vive la cuisine Française et bon appétit!

Enjoy with family or friends! Long live French cuisine and enjoy your meal!

A little about Cle France...

We are, no doubt like yourselves, ardent Francophiles.

We have spent many many years living and working in this beautiful country. Selling French property and arranging everything else connected with buying a property in France. During that time we have worked in the French Property Market with notaries and agencies alike, using our language skills to enable people like you to find their own dream home in France.

Our level of expertise and experience mean we can give you the independent advice you need on the various regions of France, and also on the culture and lifestyle. Over time we have built up a large and professional network of Cle France Estate Agents across the many regions of France.

Our office in England means that we are conveniently placed for our buyers to contact us and plan their visit to France, and our agents and colleagues in France look forward to welcoming you and showing you their selection of properties for sale.

You may be ready to make that move now, or you might still be at the beginning of the decision making process. We are always happy to have an informal chat on the phone, or by e-mail, to enable you to make an informed decision about your plans.

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

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