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Clé France

The French Property Network

Learning a little French etiquette can go a long ay to help you intergrate when living in France or indeed just when visiting the many regions of France.

You never know if your next viewing trip with us could turn into a glass clincking success! so if you do make an offer on a French property for sale and the offer is accepted then how would you 'toast' the occaision? 

Or you are out with some friends about to take your first sip and everyone raises their glasses to toast...

How to toast the French

Photo by Omar G! on Flickr.

Qu’est-ce que tu fais en-suite ? (What do you do next?)

En France, you have to regarder dans les yeux (look in the eyes) of the person you’re clincking glasses with. Ce qui est important (what’s important) is bearing in mind that by NOT remembering to regarder dans les yeux is seen as rude or simply une maladresse (a faux pas).

I did not know all this when I first visited France, the first time I went out with des amis français (some French friends) is un bon exemple (a good example); after we found a good place to sit and had placed our orders, we all went to lever nos verres (raise our glasses)....

We toasted and then I took a drink. Much to my surprise, mes amis français (my French friends) were still looking at me after I had finished swallowing. One of my friends then said to me:

“Non, il faut que tu me regardes dans les yeux !” (No, you have to look at me in the eyes!)

Confused, I tried again, but my eyes darted away before our glasses met and on m’a dit (I was told).

“Non, dans mes yeux !” (No, in my eyes!)

I slowly raised my glass and went in again. This time I made sure to keep un contact visuel (eye contact). After a very intense few seconds it was over and shouts of “santé” (cheers) were passed around.

I had successfully learned how to toast in French!

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Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

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