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Clé France

The French Property Network

Living and working in France can be a delight but it can also be frustrating if you have deadlines to meet.

I remember a neighbour of ours (when we lived in the Mayenne in Pays de la Loire) who worked as an electrician and he often worked more than the maximum 35 hours allowed each week, he could not take this as an overtime payment [generally not available to French workers] so he had to take it off as 'time in lieu' which is why he was always not at work from January to April; he would store up the hours and take 3 months off a year! not bad eh?

Similarly shops and business opening hours can be seen as either calming and relaxing or a darned frustration when you need to buy something! most large supermarkets are opening from 9am to 6pm BUT village and town shops & business often close between 12:00 midday and 14:00 (2pm), this includes all DIY stores, banks, post offices and even fuel stations but not restaurants you will be pleased to know, and that is where you will find all the workers enjoying their 2 hour lunch break.

French Shops Opening Hours

Photo by Alan Levine on Flickr.

So when planning a viewing trip to France to see many of the fine properties for sale with Cle France you will notice that we rarely book you in for a viewing between 12pm and 2pm!

It is also worth noting that "the French" rarely work Sundays and Saturdays are not always supported either, although most of Cle France agents work Saturday mornings [I guess protecting le weekend for family duties is not a bad thing] and it is what we "British" may have lost over the years with Sunday Trading and 24 hour opening! what do you think?

The French Pace of Life

But don't fret you will get used to it, learn to love it and when you live in France it has an almost calming effect on one's mindset and your pace of day to day living slows to a more natural and healthy rythmn.

People quickly notice the difference in les horaires de travail (working hours) between the UK and France. Even being aware of the holidays does not always mean you will know how to faire le pont (make the bridge). Knowing when things will be ouvert (open) and fermé (closed) is important no longer how long your stay.

A mistake I made going into my first long weekend: faire les courses (grocery shopping) many years ago. It was a tough few days finding whatever food I had leftover! De plus (what’s more), things being open 24 (vingt-quatre) sur 24 (24 hours a day) doesn’t happen as often in France as in the UK. I have wanted to faire les courses many times when it was too late and tout est fermé (everything is closed).

Par ailleurs (beyond that), being able to work on Sundays is a recent development. Until very recently c’était illégal (it was illegal)!

Even though la change (the change) already happened, le polémique (the controversy) remains. I learned about it during an exchange a few years ago, and hearing something that strange made me blurt out:

-Pourquoi c’était illégal de travailler le dimanche ?

Why was it illegal to work on Sundays?

The answer was all the more surprising:

-Vous êtes trop anglais, vous ne pouvez pas comprendre.

You are too English, you cannot understand.

Shocked at such a response, I didn’t press the issue. Au début (at first), I could not believe someone had said something so ridiculous to me. Years later I realise what they said was true. The idea of having such strict laws on when to work was too foreign to me.

Shops closed in France

Maintenant (now) I can appreciate the special care given to les travailleurs (workers) and I quickly got used to shorter working hours and longer holidays.

Ne vous inquiétez pas (Don’t worry) ! En pratique (in practice), Even during the long holidays, restaurants will still be open and des petits épiceries aussi (little supermarkets too). Il y a (there are) more things open, bien sûr, in the big cities, but even in the smaller towns you’re sure to find a kebab shop or two!

Just be sure to check le calendrier (the calender) and look for les horaires (the [working] hours) online if you can!

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Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

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