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The French Property Network

It Comes In Pints! – Beer In French

I wonder how many people think "that's easy, ordering a beer in French" but after saying "Une bière s’il vous plait" it can get complicated, like most things if you say the first phrase so well the French person thinks you speak good French so lets enter into a deeper conversation! I know we can all speak better French after the first beer so here are a few tips on ordering your second.

When ordering something in a new country there are always surprises waiting in all the small differences from what you would expect and what actually arrives.

Pint of Beer in France

One of my first times dans un bar français (in a French bar), on top of not knowing how to toast, I didn’t know how to order a beer. I guessed that it would be similar to “un café s’il vous plait” (a coffee please), so I said:

Une bière s’il vous plait.

A beer please.

Then le barman (the bartender) asked me:

Laquelle ?

Which one?

I was not familiar with any of the bière, but I knew I wanted a stout. Cependant (however), I had no idea how to say stout in French! In my confusion, I just asked for whatever name I saw first, but then le barman asked me:

Un demi ou une pinte ?

A half-pint or a pint?

Le problème was that I did not understand what he said! I did not know une pinte was a French word, and I had no idea what un demi was referring to! So I said:

Une bière.

A beer.

My response wasn’t very helpful to le barman. I’m sure he was just as confused as I was. Looking for a solution I pointed at the glass of le client (the patron, the customer) next to me and said:

La même chose que lui.

The same thing as him.

That got me une bière, but once I told mes amis what had happened they had a good laugh explaining how to say different types of bière in French and also that une pinte is just a pint and un demi is a half-pint!

Voici un petit vocabulaire de la bière :

La bière – Beer

Le verre – Glass

La bouteille – Bottle

À la pression – On tap

Bière à la pression – Draft Beer

Une pinte – A pint

Un demi – Half a pint, A half-pint

Bière brune – Stout

Bière blonde – Lager

Bière blanche – White beer, Wheat beer

Bière anglaise – Ale

Le houblon – Hops

Le blé – Wheat

Le froment – Wheat

La brasserie – Brewery.

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Blog submitted by: David at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

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