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Clé France

The French Property Network

Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes

We’ve all got them. We’re made of them. We use them all the time. In fact, you’re using some of them to read this post!

I’d argue that it’s safe to say you learn the body parts in a traditional French classroom within the first few weeks. They’re very useful words, especially when you’re just starting to talk about yourself in a foreign language.

Even still, you generally only learn a few of them. When I first travelled to France, I’d already learned how to say head and arm, but you never know what word you may need in everyday conversation. I remember learning the word for ankle (la cheville) when I went ice skating with some friends – I was complaining about ankle pain but didn’t know the word for the body part causing me the agony. Once they taught me, I knew I’d remember the word forever because it was now linked to that event.  

Over the years, I learned more words, but I also learned how to say what these body parts do.

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So are you sitting comfortably?

For today’s post, I thought I’d introduce the body parts and list the verbs for the actions they do.

That way, you can match the two words together.

la tête – head

hocher – to nod/shake

tourner – to turn


les oreilles (f) – ears

écouter – to listen to

entendre – to listen to

écouter aux portes [familiar] – to listen at the door

tendre l’oreille – to listen carefully/keep your ears open


l’œil (m) – eye; les yeux – eyes

le sourcil – eyebrow

le cil – eyelash

voir – to see

regarder – to watch

observer – to observe

mater – to check out [informal]

cligner – to blink

faire un clin d’œil – to wink

fixer – to stare at someone

scruter – to examine


le nez – nose

respirer (par le nez) – to breathe (through your nose)

avoir le nez qui coule – to have a runny nose

se moucher – to blow your nose


la bouche – mouth

les lèvres – lips

les dents (f) – teeth

la langue – tongue

manger – to eat

mâcher/mastiquer – to chew

ronger – to gnaw

embrasser – to kiss

lecher – to lick

parler – to talk

bavarder – to chat

respirer (par la bouche) – to breathe (through your mouth)

cracher – to spit

siroter – to sip


la gorge – throat

avaler – to swallow

racler la gorge – to clear your throat


le cou – neck

se tordre – to twist/wring/knot

se dévisser le cou – to gawk at/stare at something

tordre le cou à quelqu’un – to strangle someone


la poitrine – chest

tousser – to cough

gonfler la poitrine [expression] – to be proud of yourself


les épaules (f) – shoulders

housser – to shrug


la main – hand

les doigts – fingers

le poignet – wrist

le coude – elbow

faire craquer les doigts – to crack your knuckles

montrer du droigt – to point at

claquer les doits – to snap

faire un doigt d’honneur – to give someone the finger/flip the bird

grater – to scratch

tenir – to hold

toucher – to touch

applaudir – to applaud/clap

serrer (les mains) – to shake hands

frotter – to rub

giffler – to slap

donner un coup de poing à quelqu’un – to punch someone

tendre la main – to hold your hand out

tendre les bras à quelqu’un – to welcome somebody with open arms


l’estomac – stomach

digérer – to digest

gargouiller – to growl


les jambes (f) – legs

les genoux (m) – knees

les pieds (m) – feet

les orteils (m) – toes

tenir debout – to stand

marcher – to walk

courir – to run

donner un coup de pied à quelqu’un – to kick someone

enjamber – to step over

Bonne Chance!

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Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

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