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Clé France

The French Property Network

Oct 31

Holloween and All Saints Day

Have a Hair-Raising (ébouriffant) Halloween!

It may be fair to say that in France 'Holloween' seems to be 'in the shops' and celebrated more so than in the UK but no where near as commercial as it is in the USA. Back in the late 90s I had almost forgotten about Holloween, not having children of a certain age but moving to France it struck me that all the local boulangieries and supermarkets would make grand displays of all their Holloween related goodies.

Even the smallest village shop will make an effort and if you are lucky you will even see a candle or torch lead procession in villages or towns where all the children [and parents] walk around the commune singing and celebrating. The following day is whay you have seen magnificaent Chrysanthemums for sale everywhere, All Saints Day on the 1st of November is when families remember loved ones that have passed away and visit to leave the fantastic plants and pay their respects.

If you are going to France on a viewing trip with Cle France over this period watch out for these things and let us know what you thought.

“Hair-raising” is a great adjective in English.

It’s descriptive and makes you understand exactly what it conveys… a fright that makes your hair stand up on end.

Some dictionaries offer “terrifiant(e)” as the French translation of “hair-raising”.

Another translation, and perhaps one that is more accurate, is “ébouriffant(e)”.

Neither of these words, however, are as descriptive as the original English word (this is one of the reasons why translations are so difficult!).

Cle France Property Sales Blog

Take time and stop to see a great display even in a local village Boulangerie.

But there is an expression in French that more accurately conveys this English adjective: “faire dresser les cheveux sur la tête” means something that makes your hair stand up on end. It can also mean “to bristle,” which provides similar imagery, but conveys less a sense of fright than a sense of disgust or anger.

For example, you could say: “J’ai ecouté un chanteur hier soir. C’était une experience à vous faire dresser les cheveux sur la tête!” (I heard a singer last night. It was a hair-raising experience!). This could mean that the singer was so bad that it made this listener’s hair stand up on end.

Another word that could accurately translate “hair-raising” is the more familiar “horripiler”. This verb literally means to “bristle hairs” and usually conveys the sense that someone is incredibly annoyed by someone else’s actions. For example, you could say: “Tu m’horripiles quand tu fais ce bruit-là!” (You really annoy me/make me bristle when you make those noises!). The adjective form is “horripilant.”

Finally, another expression you could use is “hérisser le poil” This means exactly the same thing as “horripiler” except it is a more standard expression. “Hérisser” means to bristle or to ruffle. “Le poil” means “a hair”.

Normally, if you want to talk about the hair on your head, for example, you would say either “les cheveux” or “les poils” — notice how both are plural (unless you are referring to one single hair, the French refer to hair in general in the plural). Thus, “hérisser le poil” literally means “to bristle a hair.”

Once again, this is not normally used to mean that something scares you, but rather that something is really annoying or disgusting. For example, you could say: “Ça me hérisse le poil” which means “it really gets on my nerves.”

Ok, so we’ve gotten off the original meaning of “hair-raising” so just go ahead and have a hair-raising Halloween!

Passez un Halloween ébouriffant!

Happy Halloween!

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Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages.

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Oct 20

Saints Days in France

Everyone knows a few but each day has a Saint and some have more than one!

After our article on St Valentines Day we thought we would take a deeper look at Saints Days in France. St Valentines Day may be the best example of where commercialism takes over what were once serious religious traditions and turns them into money-spinning opportunities. The French practice of celebrating one's "saint's day" is no exception although it is becoming less common, as people have more choice in naming their children.

The Catholic church once dictated the country's customs and this is where the tradition originated, even so far as providing a catalogue of acceptable Christian names. Of course, this practice was not restricted to France, but was common in all catholic countries. However, France is one country where the celebration of one's saint's day still persists albeit it is in decline.

In the past a French child would be given the name of the saint on whose day their own birth fell. Of course, people want not only originality but choice and so it became more common for the saint's name to be given as a second or middle name. This meant that a child would have two special days to celebrate where previously it would have been only one. 

Over the years, the tradition has evolved in France, as in most other European Catholic countries, for people to have a "name day" as well as a birthday. So for example, if you were born on July 29th which is St. Marthe's Day, but your parents hated the name Marthe or Martha and preferred to call you Terese, you would still obviously celebrate your birthday on July 29th, but your "name day" would be on August 9th, which is St. Terese's Day.

Almost every day in the calendar has a saint's name assigned to it, some have more than one (January 6 having five), so parents with a child born on January 6th could not really complain about a lack of choice compared to other days! These "saint's days" are still celebrated but are usually more low key than actual birthdays.

It's not only individuals who celebrate a saint's day. Towns and villages usually have a dedicated saint and special events are held in commemoration each year, while certain professions are linked to a particular saint and those working in that industry may mark that day in some way. Quite often the Bar in a small village will be named after the saint adopted it "Bar Saint Medard" (June 8th is Saint Medard Day) and either on that day or the following weekend the village will hold an annual Fete with celebrations running 48 hrs over the weekend.

In essence nowadays, when people are generally less religious than before, the "name day" tradition is just a nice excuse to have another day for gifts and fun, and has no more relevance than that. In France, they are not usually big gifts, more flowers or chocolates as a token. So next time you are due to go on a property viewing trip to France, check with the Catholic Calendar and see whether your name coincides with a Saints' name day during your trip. It will be another chance to celebrate especially if you find your dream home as well!

Blog submitted by: David at Cle France.

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Jan 27

Guide to Living in France - Post Brexit

New Guide to Living in France - Post Brexit

Now that the UK is outside of the European Union our guide is an important and informative read.

Our popular and helpful 'PDF Guides' are free for you to download.

Essential reading for anyone looking to buy a Holiday Home or Full-Time Home in France in 2021.

Living in France now? then find out what will change.

In the guide we look at how Brits can buy and live in France in 2021 and beyond.

Get Your Free PDF Guide to Living in France - Post Brexit here

Living in France Post Brexit

Kind regards, 
Sharon Evans 
Founder of Clé France.

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Feb 11

Claim a refund of your French social charges!

The door has reopened for new French social charges claims. If you have sold your French property in 2017 or 2018 it is time to act!

Let me give you a brief summary of the French social charges saga.


In 2015, France was condemned by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) in the case law De Ruyter which held that taxation of social charges on French capital income of persons affiliated to a social security system of another Member State of the European Union (EU) or European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland was contrary to the EU legal principle of unity of social security legislation.

This judgement was then followed the same year by a decision of the highest French administrative Court The “Conseil d’Etat” which confirmed the ruling of the ECJ. The “De Ruyter” case led to a large number of tax claims against the French Tax Office until the budget 2016 when the French government decided to maintain the taxation of social charges on non-residents despite its controversy by reallocating the proceeds of the social charges into a new category.

However, the French government interpretation that the social levies were a tax rather than a social security contribution was rejected in 2018 by the the Court of Appeal of Nancy which ruled out that the taxation was against EU law. The French government appealed against that decision. However taking into account the ruling of a recent judgement of the ECJ of 14th March 2019, the Highest Administrative Court (« Conseil d’Etat ») upheld the decision of the Court of Appeal.

Time to act !

Therefore, if you were residing in a EU/EEA country other than France or in Switzerland and were registered with the health care system of your home country and paid social charges on the net capital gains when you sold your French property in 2017 or 2018, you can now make a claim. Under French law, any tax claim must be issued before the 31st December of the second year following the year when the tax was paid. If you sold your French property in 2017, you have until the end of 2019 to make a claim. If you sold your French property in 2018, you have until the end of 2020 to make a claim. For those who sold their French property in 2016, it is too late unless you issued a claim before the end of year 2018.

For those who are considering selling their French property in 2019, the good news is that the French government took the lead by deciding in its new tax budget that from the 1st January 2019, non-French residents affiliated to a social security of a EU/EEA social security will no longer have to pay social charges but still be subject to the tax of prélèvement de solidarité (7.5%). For those residing outside the EU/EEA, they will be subject to social charges of 17.2%.

How to claim the social charges?

A tax claim can be issued to the French Tax Office for non-residents or to the tax office where the taxpayer was registered. It must be legally motivated and include all supporting documents establishing the right to claim for a refund of the French social charges.

Loic Raboteau

We have received many enquiries from concerned clients who have seen their tax claim rejected because of poor drafting or lack of evidence.

We therefore recommend that you seek legal advice to ensure that your claim has been correctly drafted and accompanied with the necessary supporting documents.

Our Firm can assist you in claiming back the social charges you have paid. We are very experienced in this area and have successfully claim back social charges for our clients since 2014.

At B&M Law LLP, we will be happy to assist you in recovering the social charges undue levied on the French property you sold.

Please contact Loic Raboteau by visiting his page on this website for a free preliminary assessment of your case and a quotation.

Disclaimer: These articles are for information purposes only and are not intended as legal advice. Professional advice should always be obtained before applying any information to particular circumstances.

For a more personal advice contact Loic today using the form above.

You may also be interested in some of our 'Buying Guides' on the Free Guides Tab Here.

For everything you need to know about French property for sale visit

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Nov 19

Shopping for Wine in France

Before we first moved to France we would talk about moving to Paris, but then thought about getting a new job or a move to a city like Bordeaux, if you are going to buy a property in France why not buy one in a wine region?

In France, les vignerons (vintners, or winemakers) sell directly to stores and restaurants in France, as well as for exportation. In The UK and non-major wine production countries, there is a more complicated three-tier system where foreign wine is bought by importers, then distributed, and then sold for retail.

Cle France wine blog

In France, wine is sold not only in wine stores (called les cavistes, which literally means 'cellermen'), but also in grocery stores like Monoprix, Franprix, and Carrefour. In larger grocery stores, there may even be an expert in wine who you can consult about what wines to purchase. However, if you really want specialised advice about wine, your best bet is to go to the caviste.

In Paris, the most well-known chain of wine stores is Nicholas. You’ll see this store in most neighbourhoods. There are also other, individually-owned wine stores that have excellent selections and fair prices.

But, if you are selecting wine on your own, keep the following tips in mind:

1. You won’t find much foreign wine in France, but you will find wine from many French regions you’ve never heard of before. Explore French wine by focusing on a particular region,like Languedoc-Roussillion or Burgundy and then trying different wines from that region to discover which you like the best. When looking at wine labels, keep in mind that 'grand cru' is the highest-quality of vineyard or area in a particular region, followed by 'premier cru' and 'grand vin' is the label each winemaker gives to its best wine.

2. Wine in France is much cheaper than in the UK because it does not go through the three-tier distribution system described above and because it is not as heavily taxed. You can find a decent bottle of wine for under 5 euros and a very good bottle of wine for 10 euros and under. Price does matter, however; if you want to get an enjoyable wine, spring for an 7 or 8 euro bottle of wine rather than one that costs 2 euros or less. Your palate will thank you.

3. If you are in a winemaking region, choose a bottle of wine made in that region. Normally, the wine stores and grocery stores stock more product from their own region and, thus, you will have a larger (and often times better) selection than if you choose wine from a different region.

À votre sante! and drink responsibily!

health insurance

Blog submitted by: Alex at The French Property Network - Cle France.

This blog was originally posted on The French Language Blog pages. 

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